Ok, so this isn't about dogs, but I couldn't resist sharing pictures of the new co-worker I had on Tuesday.
I showed up for work, and this fawn was right outside my office window. About 5 feet away from where I sit. Amazing.
The fawn was TINY - I'm guessing about 15 lbs. It was next to my window all day - quite often staring at me. It was just the sweetest thing, and so nice to look up from my work and see its lovely little face (I started to get a little attached by the end of the day...).
Apparently, mother deer will leave their babies some place while they go off to eat. The fawn was still there when I left, but not there when I got back to work the next morning. I didn't see signs of struggle, and the mother & baby have been seen around the building, so all is well.
Just one of the benefits to life outside the big city!