Sunday, August 8, 2010


The Family and I returned home from Washington State yesterday afternoon.  I'm not really sure if my time away from work was really a "vacation."  Here are the highlights:

High School Reunion:
It's been - well, let's just say more than a few - years since I graduated from High School.  I finally went to one of the reunions.  Lots of fun.  Maybe a few too many glasses of cheap (but not inexpensive) red wine.  Then a family picnic.  Good to see my best friends.  Fun to try and guess who people were...

House Hunting:
The Husband and I intend to move to Southwest Washington at some point. House prices and interest rates are low, so we're on the hunt for a home with some acreage that we can rent out, and eventually move into.    We spent 2 days with a realtor while we were there, and found a few places that look promising (if the price is right).

Visiting Family:
Spent lots of time with my niece and nephew.  Also got to celebrate my Grandma's 88th birthday with her!

New Addition:
On the last day of my "vacation," when I was supposed to be relaxing, I decided to check my email.  In it was a note from Carolyn wondering if I was interested in a puppy who was in need of a home.  The puppy met my criteria:  well-built, good temperament, performance potential, from good breeders.  Oh, and did I mention that he was only 60 miles away from my parents house?

After mulling it over, discussing with the husband, calling United to make sure a puppy could be in the cabin with us, I was off to Starry Nights Stables in Newberg (via PetSmart for a crate, toys, water bowl, leash, collar & piddle pads).

So here's our newest:

The puppy formerly known as Nate.  Or Brodie.

His registered name will be:  C-Myste Baledwr SN Surfin' USA.

We're still working through a few surfing-related call names.

You can expect lots of upcoming puppy posts.

In the meantime, here's what happens when you wear a puppy out:

That trip to Starbucks was tiring!

The view from above


  1. Sounds like a pretty exciting last day. And very unexpected. I guess you could have waited a few more days before you changed your blog name. : )

    He is way too adorable.

  2. Oh what do you do to that poor poopy?

    Really, I'm happy he went home with you. Can't wait for more updates.

  3. Oh, so super cute. I'm glad that you had a great time in Washington. Can't wait for another pre-sabbatical get together!

  4. Good for you, Lani. The puppy has a great home and you have your next star!

  5. How adorable! Congrats on the new addition. Can't wait to read more puppy posts in the months to come.

  6. Congratulations!! So are you a trio again?

  7. Yep, we're a Trio again. Stacy was right about me changing my blog name too soon. Who knew?!

  8. Funny how things just work out sometimes.

    If I had wanted another black boy instead of a BLUE GIRL . . . !!

  9. Glad to hear he's home and safe. You've got yourself one super puppy and we miss him already. Can't wait to see how he grows up. It's was great meeting you. Hopefully next time I won't have a horrible cold and my daughter won't be so whiny!

  10. Ugh. As you can see from my grammatical errors above my head is still all stuffy! Please excuse me!

  11. So great to see where he went. Great luck, we love our Wally and Hannah boy Captain from their first breeding. Hope the care package was a hit. Will be checking in for updates.

  12. Congrats on the new addition--very exciting! It would be very cool if you come to live in Washington--maybe I can convince you to join our flyball team with that new height dog of yours!

  13. What a big surprise! Not what I was expecting by your title! Congratulations!

  14. Too cute! What a face. Adorable. Can't wait to see more of the puppy posts!

  15. Come back to the northwest, Lani. Come b-a-a-c-k . . ..

  16. The top picture shows about the happiest doggy expression imaginable.

    I do miss Denzil, but am glad to read that he is adjusting well to his new life.


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