Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cardi Claus arrived!

Cardi Claus and I must have passed each other in the air, as I have received news from The Husband that he showed up the day that I left.

The Cardis and I are very excited with what Cardi Claus left.  Many thanks to The Chronicles of Cardigan crew for the package.

Maggie, Ziggy, and Rip are looking forward to their treats - a crayon was even included as a bonus treat for Ziggy! 

The Humans are thankful for the very cute ornament!

Thanks, Cardi Claus and The Chronicles of Cardigan crew!!


  1. Glad it arrived in tact! Please give them all (especially Ziggy) a hug for us!

  2. I'm going to give him the crayon later. It will make him very happy - maybe even as happy as he was dragging me forcefully around the yard, in his towel sling, to sniff behind trees and bushes this morning.


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