Friday, December 2, 2011

F-ing IVDD

It's a bit of a sad day in our house.

Last night on his trip out before bedtime, Ziggy was moving slowly, with a hunched back, and his tail erect.  I carried him outside go to the bathroom, then immediately called the emergency vet and took him in.

The vet did a series of neurological tests, and took some x-rays.  Neither showed anything.  The vet was unsure what was going on and sent me home with instructions to watch Ziggy and give him some pain meds - as he was obviously still in pain.  Things worsened over the night, and this morning he could not move his hind end.

I was waiting at the door when our vet's office opened, and was seen by the surgeon who is the local expert for back surgeries, etc.  This vet clinic knows us well, as it's our regular vet, and this particular vet helped us through the back trouble with Denzil.

We were seen within 15 minutes, and it is what I suspected when I saw Z this morning.  His back went down and the diagnosis is IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease).

Ziggy was in surgery by around 10am.  The surgery went well, and we're hoping for the best.

Tonight we moved him to the emergency vet clinic where he'll spend the weekend.

I'll share a little more when I feel more up to it.  


  1. Oh Lani, I'm so sorry. I'm glad the surgery went well and I hope and pray all goes well for Ziggy. Hugs!

  2. Oh, Lani, I'm so sorry that Ziggy's gone down. I hope he makes a full recovery.

  3. Lani, I am so terribly sorry to hear this. Your swiftness in getting him in for surgery should make all the difference though. Thinking good thoughts for you and Z. Keep us posted.

  4. oh man.... i hope he recovers quickly.... *hugs*

  5. Lani, so sorry. Hopefully your speedy realization of what it was will mean a full recovery for him. Hugs to you all.

  6. I sure hope this works out okay. Our Sparkey had 8 good years after her ruptured disc, and I hope Ziggy does even better.

  7. Oh. Shit.

    If we just had some clue why some go down and others live to old age with no problems.

    Xrays being worthless was pretty much what we were told at the seminar at nationals..

    I'm holding out hope for you and sending good thoughts to ziggy

  8. Poor baby! Hoping for rapid recovery. Hang in there.

  9. Oh Lani, I am so sorry. Prayers for Ziggy to make a full recovery. :(

  10. I'm so sorry. Many healing thoughts for Ziggy. :(

  11. Wow. That is so sad for you both. I hope he recovers well. You are such a good doggy-mom.

  12. Oh man. I have tears in my eyes for you. Hoping for the best for Ziggy.

  13. As soon as I saw your title, I started to cry. I am so sorry for you and Ziggy.

    My first Cardi,Dylan, had IVDD. My regular vet couldn't even diagnose it. It took a trip to the ER to get the news. Fortunately, Dylan never went down, so never had surgery. We treated with Prednisone and rest. He had several more painful incidents in his life, but did lead a normal life and lived to nearly 17.

    I am sending all the healing vibes I can.

  14. I'm so sorry, Lani. Sending lots of good thoughts to Ziggy and hugs to you from me and the boyzers. (Nick just saw me crying and climbed up next to me and licked the keyboard, so he is sending lots of kisses too!)

  15. Hopefully your quick action will turn the tide. Our thoughts are with you and especially with Ziggy.

  16. Having been through this once, I say chin up. You did all the right things. Ein is now two years post surgery and frapping around like his old self. He goes to acupuncture once a month and it has made a huge difference in his healing and maintenance. Hugs for you.

  17. So very sorry. Will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  18. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about Ziggy. Hope he feels better soon.


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